So this year for English we have been doing something new. As a requirement, everyone is participating in the read for a lifetime program. We were given an all together alternative assignment of blogging weekly instead of writing a paper. If you ask me, it’s pretty great. My very first blog entry I wrote this year let you know how I felt about reading and you learned that I’m not very fond of it. But now I have grown to actually like it, Mrs. Hayes is probably very proud right now. I also told you my feelings on blogging, which I was unsure about. But now that we are ¾ of the way done now I must say my opinion of liking it is very strong.

Now I am going to tell you a few of my favorite things I enjoy about blogging. Obviously everyone knows how obsessed our generation is with social networking, and how big of a part of our lives it is which is sad yes I know, but still. Well I think it’s great that Mrs. Hayes has let us incorporate things like Facebook and twitter into the blogging process. It’s a great way to get our stuff out there to share with others and let people know about blogging. I also love knowing that once a week I get to take a break from whatever we are doing in class and work on my blog. It’s nice to have break every once in a while, and I especially love the fact that I get to blog and be more creative than type a formal essay. The freedom we have for our blog prompts is really great and is something I also love. Now for my favorite thing about blogging, our Fremd Ning friends! I think it’s awesome that there are students out there doing the same thing we are and the fact that we get to share this with them is amazing. I think it’s awesome that we get to interact with them through skype and we get to comment and read their blogs. It’s really great that we have two schoosl coming together to do this assignment. Blogging has really been a learning experience that I have enjoyed. Thank you Mrs. Hayes!
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