<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wkEeNpWMvgk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This link is to a music video for the song "Put Your Records On" by Corinne Bailey Ray. I choose this song to relate to my book for many reasons. Looking deeper into the song, you understand that it is about people getting to know eachother, which is exactly what the three girls are doing in the novel. The best lyrics that show alot for the book are "you're gonna find yourself some way, some how". The reason I feel those words especially are relatable because this is a story of three girls lives that have just completely changed. Everything is new to them after this discovery that they arent sure how to be or act.
Another small but great detail in the song that really helps is the line "three little birds sat on my window". After understanding that the book is about three girls finding out they are sisters this line just gives you an awesome image that really helps you think more deep into that main point. I believe the rhythm and the beat of this song really related well to three black swans. What do you think about the connection?
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Do you know your ABC's?
Black Swans
Seperated at birth
Each letter is used to decscibe main points, details, and characteristics from the story. They are helpful to
show and highlight the key words that play a big role in three black swans. Each word is a way to express and important detail in the book.
Wrapping It Up
We have offically made it! The school year is finally coming to an end and so are our blogs. Through out this entire school year, for each of the four quarters, I have read a new book and completed the Read For A Lifetime program. During my junior year in English class, I have really seen my reading skills incease and I have watched each blog grade increase.I have really enjoyed blogging over different books. The many things I enjoyed about blogging was the freedom of no prompt as time went on and we came up with more blog post. Another great thing I really enjoyed was the whole idea from keeping in contact with another school that is heavily active in the blog world. Keeping in contact with you by skyping was great and getting to comment on eachothers blog gives us many ideas for our own and helps us connect to them.
The four books Ive read this semester are Please Ignore Vera Dietz, Willow, What Happened to Goodbye, and Three Black Swans. All of them were great books but if I had to choose a favorite I would choose Please Ignore Vera Dietz. If anyone is in question of whether or not the prrogam has great books to choose from, it definitley does. Participate in the Read for a Lifetime program benifitted me by exposing the many different types of books there are. Blogging also beniftted me by helping me break down the reading material for better understanding for myself, and for others. I want to thank Mrs. Hayes for exposing me to the blogging world and letting us use this as a way to complete a great program!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
pics of main points

Three Black Swans by Caroline B. Cooney
The story is based on indentical triplets seperated at birth.
Missy, one of the main characters, is from Connecticut.
Claire and Genevieve are both from New York.
Long Island, New York is where the 3girls birth parents live.
The Three Black Swan theory descirbes what happens in the book.
Missy uses a science experiment to help find her twin.
The girls hold an interview to tell everyone about the discovery.
The interview is released to YouTube, where the triplets become discovered.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
I am giving the definition of the word "hoax". In this book its the main topic of the story line. A hoax is what causes the triplets to dicover eachother in the first place.
This is an explantion of what the black swan theory. It gives you a better understanding of why the book is given its title.
This link directs you to a shory summary of Three Black Swans. If you need a better understanding of details in the book it will definitely sum of any confusion you had.
If you believe you'll enjoy reading this book, here is a link to the authors website. It offers you a chance to read a little about her and to check out the other books she has available for you to read.
This link will bring you to a page about adoption. In the book the girls go through a difficult time understanding the process so this page will give you more information on the adoption process.
This is a video from youtube about triplets. This shows the process in the family goes through and the shocking discovery of rare triplets.
This is information about the triplet telepathy. In the book, the girls experience a certain closeness but they arent quite sure how to describe the feeling other than telepathy.
This is the definition of the word adoption. In this book, triplets were seperated at birth and all adopted into different families. This will help you understand the process the three girls went thru.
In the book, you find out that one of the girls adoption, was illegal. This link tells about the signs of an illegal adoption and the consequences that can occur.
Did these links help you better understand the book?
I am giving the definition of the word "hoax". In this book its the main topic of the story line. A hoax is what causes the triplets to dicover eachother in the first place.
This is an explantion of what the black swan theory. It gives you a better understanding of why the book is given its title.
This link directs you to a shory summary of Three Black Swans. If you need a better understanding of details in the book it will definitely sum of any confusion you had.
If you believe you'll enjoy reading this book, here is a link to the authors website. It offers you a chance to read a little about her and to check out the other books she has available for you to read.
This link will bring you to a page about adoption. In the book the girls go through a difficult time understanding the process so this page will give you more information on the adoption process.
This is a video from youtube about triplets. This shows the process in the family goes through and the shocking discovery of rare triplets.
This is information about the triplet telepathy. In the book, the girls experience a certain closeness but they arent quite sure how to describe the feeling other than telepathy.
This is the definition of the word adoption. In this book, triplets were seperated at birth and all adopted into different families. This will help you understand the process the three girls went thru.
In the book, you find out that one of the girls adoption, was illegal. This link tells about the signs of an illegal adoption and the consequences that can occur.
Did these links help you better understand the book?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
FINALLY fourth quarter.

It has finally arrived, our last quarter of the school year. Therefore I am starting my fourth and final book. For the next 6 weeks I will be blogging about a book called three black swans. I have only read the beginning of the book but I can tell its going to be a very suspensful book. At some points I get so into it I cant put it down! I also already know alot about the book because a few of my classmates have read it and I read their blogs. Reading others blogs about a book in which I know nothing about has really drawn me to want to read many books and have interested me in reading more and more all together!
Over the course of the year I have greatly improved my blogging skills, and my grades prove that. At the beginning when I recieved my first blog grade I was not fond of blogging at all, but over time it has grown on me and I happen to be very fond of it. I am very appreciative for the opportunity we have been given to blog instead of write a boring paper. All the things Mrs. Hayes has incoorperated into blogging have also made this a very fun experience. I hope everyonce else has enjoyed blogging as much as I have!
three black swans by Caroline B. Cooney is about 2 girls, Claire and Missy, who are cousins but feel like sisters are heart. They are inseperable and share a certain connection that no one else understand. When Missy has a biology project to create a hoax, she storms up an idea to trick everyone into thinking her and her cousin are identical twins seperated at birth. When everyone see's how alike they really are, they start to wonder, is this a hoax after all?
Thursday, March 1, 2012
This Vlog is about 'What happened to goosbye'. I give a short summary and introduction of the book to let you know what isit about. I also tell the reason why I liked the book. By watching this vlog I hope to potentially interest you in reading this book. I hope I gave you useful information as well.
What did you think?
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
So this year for English we have been doing something new. As a requirement, everyone is participating in the read for a lifetime program. We were given an all together alternative assignment of blogging weekly instead of writing a paper. If you ask me, it’s pretty great. My very first blog entry I wrote this year let you know how I felt about reading and you learned that I’m not very fond of it. But now I have grown to actually like it, Mrs. Hayes is probably very proud right now. I also told you my feelings on blogging, which I was unsure about. But now that we are ¾ of the way done now I must say my opinion of liking it is very strong.
click it to get it!
This is a really good link that has a great summary of the book 'What happened to goodbye' and it also give syou an option to explore a Sarah Dessen blog. It also gives you the option to look at many of Dessens other books she has written so if you like this book, you can check out many of her other awesome books!
This is a link to a book trailer of the book 'What happened to goodbye'. Sarah Dessen is the person speaking and giving you information about the book. She gives a short summary of the book and then some really great background information on what inspired her to write the book.
In my book, the main character Mclean has a problem. She continues to change who she is and her personality every few months when she moves. This link gives you information about being your self and deciding how to control your personality. It will help give you a better understanding of how and why Mclean changed her personality.
This is an image of a few of the differnet names Mclean had chose to be in the past. It gives you a visual understanding of the fact that she has decided to be herself this time..
This word mosaic is used to give you an idea of the main characters differernt personality traits throughout the story. It lets you actually see the different personalities shown in the book.
This is a well written blog that gives you a small summary of the book. In more details it talks about Mcleans different personalities and it gives you great advice that the best person you can be is yourself!
I hope that all of these links have given you a better understanding of 'What happened to goodbye' or have persuaded you to read this book. So here is a link to help you purchase the book online with Barnes & Noble.
This is a really good link that has a great summary of the book 'What happened to goodbye' and it also give syou an option to explore a Sarah Dessen blog. It also gives you the option to look at many of Dessens other books she has written so if you like this book, you can check out many of her other awesome books!
This is a link to a book trailer of the book 'What happened to goodbye'. Sarah Dessen is the person speaking and giving you information about the book. She gives a short summary of the book and then some really great background information on what inspired her to write the book.
In my book, the main character Mclean has a problem. She continues to change who she is and her personality every few months when she moves. This link gives you information about being your self and deciding how to control your personality. It will help give you a better understanding of how and why Mclean changed her personality.
This is an image of a few of the differnet names Mclean had chose to be in the past. It gives you a visual understanding of the fact that she has decided to be herself this time..
This word mosaic is used to give you an idea of the main characters differernt personality traits throughout the story. It lets you actually see the different personalities shown in the book.
This is a well written blog that gives you a small summary of the book. In more details it talks about Mcleans different personalities and it gives you great advice that the best person you can be is yourself!
I hope that all of these links have given you a better understanding of 'What happened to goodbye' or have persuaded you to read this book. So here is a link to help you purchase the book online with Barnes & Noble.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Book Trailer!!!!!
This Animoto is a very useful video for you to give you a simple introduction to the book. It' going to give you information about the main character and let you know what my book, What happened to goodbye, is really about.
My Animoto Video
Now that you watched my own book trailer I hope that you are intersted in the book! Do you plan on reading What happened to goodbye?
My Animoto Video
Now that you watched my own book trailer I hope that you are intersted in the book! Do you plan on reading What happened to goodbye?
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Mcleans life in pictures...
Her family was broken apart when her mom left her father and her for another man. McLean has so much resentment for her mother because she doesnt comprehend the reasoning for why her mother left their family.

McLean and her father try to leave behind their old life and run away to escape the past. Because of her fathers job, they get to move around the country while he renovates old restaurants and they are provided with a new home and fresh start very frequently. Both love the lifestyle that they are given.
McLean somehow finds it more interesting if she changes her name along with life story and personality each time she is given a fresh start. She changes from cheerleader to party animal. This time is different though, her 'real' name gets spread around faster than she has time to fix the problem. Mclean finds it very unfortunate to stick with her real name and face the fact that her past will come out sooner than she thinks. What kind of effect with this have on her life, no more fresh start? For now atleast...
On top of tryting to figure out who the real Mclean is, she eventually becomes very drawn to her neighbor and classmate, Dave. He is a very mysterious person which is one of the reason Mclean is drawn to him because she is determined to figure out him. He shows more interest in her than she shows him because she is afraid. She isnt sure how to act to him towards him because she knows getting involved with him and getting close to him means he has to be brought into her past. Mclean is scared to let herself fall for Dave and is very resistant...
Who will Mclean choose to be this time?
Will she change it up and become someone new again, or will she finally stick with who she really is?
Thursday, January 12, 2012
We have now come to the time to begin third quarter blogs. Last quarter I recieved a much better grade than I did first quarter and I was very happy with that. I believe I put more effort into my blog and tried harder to get a better grade. This quarter I want to do the same and recieve a good grade again. Our very first time blogging we recieved a very structured prompt with specific instruction on what to put into our blog. For our second blog we were given more freedom and other options to put into our blog. Now for this thrid quarter blog we were given very little instruction and entry specifications for our blogs. We are allowed to take our blog into a personal direction and be very creative and expressive about our book. I am very excited to begin blogging for the third time and also without a very structured prompt!
The title of the book I choose for this semester is "what happened to goodbye" by Sarah Dessen. I choose this book because I have read many other of Dessens books before and I really like them. I dont read often but I would have to say I am into teen love storys which are what alot of her books are about. I havent gotten very far in the book but from what I read so far I really like it! It has a very interesting story line. In the book a girl and her father were abandoned when the mother left them for another man and they just keep continuing to move around and start new lives. They are running away from their problems and creating new identitys for themselves. Eventually you will come to learn that the teenage girl falls in love and shockingly is tired of leaving behind her problems. From what I have read so far I really am enjoying this book and I can tell it's going to be one of those books I pick up and cant put down.
The title of the book I choose for this semester is "what happened to goodbye" by Sarah Dessen. I choose this book because I have read many other of Dessens books before and I really like them. I dont read often but I would have to say I am into teen love storys which are what alot of her books are about. I havent gotten very far in the book but from what I read so far I really like it! It has a very interesting story line. In the book a girl and her father were abandoned when the mother left them for another man and they just keep continuing to move around and start new lives. They are running away from their problems and creating new identitys for themselves. Eventually you will come to learn that the teenage girl falls in love and shockingly is tired of leaving behind her problems. From what I have read so far I really am enjoying this book and I can tell it's going to be one of those books I pick up and cant put down.
This is the book cover for my third quarter book! |
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