Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dear Julia Hoban...

Letter about Literature
Dear Julia Hoban,
Your book Willow was very inspiring to me. I feel like in many ways it gave me a new perspective on life. It showed me how big of an affect things can have on one single person. It made me realize that I should never take anything for granted. Including friends, family, and the loved ones around you because in a flash they could be gone, just as Willow’s parents we gone. It made me learn that you should never put yourself in a situation that would harm yourself just to take away the pain. It made me understand that you should never assume you have no one and exclude yourself from the world around you. It taught me not to worry about the small things that don’t always turn out smoothly and to ignore the imperfections, because when you think you have it bad, someone out there always has it worse than you. It also showed me how one person has the chance to completely turn someone’s life around for the better like Guy did for Willow. Reading your book makes me want to reach out and be there for anyone who needs help because I don’t think anyone deserves to be alone. Just because someone is different to you doesn’t mean you don’t have thing in common, were all human and we all need to be loved and cared for. No matter how much someone says they don’t need or want anyone or how much they try to push you away, Willow taught me that they are lying and they need someone there for them more than anything. I believe that NO ONE can go through life alone or better yet, that no one should have to go through life alone. Everyone needs someone to be there for them in the tough times and be there to celebrate with them in the good times. I feel like I now want to be more understanding of every situation that comes at me. I want to think twice before getting mad at someone, I want to let people know I am there for them, I want to let everyone feel loved, and I want others to read this book so they can really see what affects some situations have on others. I now know that there really are people out there that don’t believe they deserve life so they try to take it away from themselves, and that is a mistake because everyone deserves the world.  Reading Willow was a real eye-opener for me to understand that no one’s life is perfect no matter how good they can hide it, or show they don’t care. Thank you for writing a wonderful book, I am very appreciative of it and I loved it!
Your fellow Reader,
            Stevie Dailey


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Book Trailer for Willow (ANIMOTO) By: Stevie Dailey

<object id="vp1mIOem" width="432" height="240" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed id="vp1mIOem" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="432" height="240"></embed></object><p><a href=''>Make a video</a> of your own at Animoto.</p>

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Symbols representing Willow and her story..

Willow by Julia Hoban.

Willow killed her parents in a car accident.
Willow uses razor blades to take away her pain.

Willow cuts to hide the pain from losing her parents.

Family was everything to Willow.

Willow's get away at a park.

Guy makes Willow feel wanted and loved again.

Willow needs to feel loved more than anything.

Book that Willow, her brother, and Guy all enjoy.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

This is a summary of the book Willow. It is created to give you details that help you better understand the book. I read and it really made me more interested in finishing my book!
This is a site that has information about other teens who cut themselves. It is information to why people do it and I believe it will you understand why Willow did. You also have the opportunity to discuss with other teens about cutting and get advice if you are in need.
This link is the video trailor for Willow. It will give you information about the book. It will also try to get you interested in the book so you read it hopefully.
This link gives you the definintion of anthropology. Willows brother, father, Guy, and herself are all interested in Anthro. It gives you a better understanding of what it is so you can understand why are they are all so interested in it.
This link talks about the harmful affects on cutting yourself and how to stop. Just like in the book, Willow was given lectures by Guy to stop, this tells you how bad it is for you. Just imagine how hard it is for Willow to stop her harmful addiction.
This is a discussion board for other teens who have lost their parents. If you lost yours, this might be a great way to let some of your emotions go. If you havent, read some of the stories to get an idea of how Willow felt and what was constantly going on in her mind.
This is a blog the author has created. It was created to give you information about why the author wrote the book Willow. It helps you get a better understanding of why what happened in the book was put in the book.
This link is here for you to order the book Willow which is available at Barnes and Noble. It was one ofmy favortite books I've read. I hope by reading my blogs I have also gotten you interested my book.
This link is another option if your interested in reading Willow. You cna subscribe and read the book online. It also give syou a short description of the book to help you get a better idea.
This links you to quotes by the author. It will help you get a closer look at why the wrote the story she did. It will also give you better understanding.